Dear League Members,

What a year this has been! I am grateful to you for your continued support of the League during a most unusual year. With much of our community fully vaccinated, we are optimistic that the coming year will be a much better one with many of our activities back on schedule.

 As you may recall, last month we were pleased to announce our fun and exciting new fundraiser, Swing Fore the Symphony. Below you will find more information and volunteer opportunities. There is something for everyone in this event, even non-golfers like me. Keep watching for more activities and more volunteer opportunities.

While it was not the year I had hoped we would have, it was nevertheless my honor to serve as League President for the past year and to now extend my best wishes to Incoming President, Candi Hough.

Have a wonderful summer!

Linda DeLuca, Outgoing President


As we were not able to have our May Spring Fling event where we announce our Volunteer of the Year, we made the announcement and presented a commemorative plaque at our May Board Meeting to a very deserving MONA RIDGE.

During a year when most activities were on pause, Mona was working feverishly not only crunching numbers as our treasurer but working on bringing the League and so many of our functions into the twenty first century. This is no small task and has taken a lot of research and a lot of collaboration. We should see the results of all of Mona’s efforts in the near future. There were many other tasks not in her job description that Mona took on this year; she was a tireless worker on behalf of the League.

And finally, not only has Mona enthusiastically supported each League and HHSO function we were able to have this year, but she has also been a strong supporter of both the League and the HHSO over many years.

For these reasons and for many I am sure I left out, Congratulations to our Volunteer of the Year 2020-2021, Mona Ridge.


Members of the Nominating Committee Terry Hicks, Mary Princing, Stan Cooke, and Gail Kaess are pleased to present the following Slate of Officers for the 2021 – 2022 Symphony Season.

President: Candice Hough

Administrative Vice President: Lisa Marie Temple

Vice President Fundraising: Carol Gyllenhoff

Vice President for Membership: Judy Walsh

Secretary: Terry Hicks

Treasurer: Nancy Millette

We are looking forward to another year of outstanding and capable leadership.

Gail Kaess, Chair


I am thrilled to be the incoming President of the League of the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra. This year was negatively impacted by the COVID-19 virus, but I look forward to a successful 2021-22.

I am also excited to announce our new golf fundraiser, Swing Fore the Symphony. It will be held on Monday, November 15th at Wexford Country Club. I am sure Tournament Chair, Linda Moloney, will have much more to say about this event in her message. Please mark your calendars and volunteer to help us make this event a success!

Candice Hough



It is wonderful to be reporting on this exiting and fun event after more than a year of canceled functions. I am excited to be chairing our new fall golf fundraiser, SWING FORE THE SYMPHONY. We are thrilled to have secured the prestigious Wexford Golf Club for our tournament taking place on Monday, November 15th. I hope you will participate in whatever way you can, either by putting together a golf foursome, volunteering on the day of, or by donating either monetarily or by donating a silent auction item. The fun starts at 9AM with golf followed at 4PM by a reception and silent auction. Attached is an entry form for anyone interested in putting together a foursome.

To date we have a Title Sponsor who will be announced at a later date. There are other levels of sponsorships available so if you or someone you know would like to be a sponsor, please contact me at or 843-384-4810.

Terry Hicks, who is the Chairperson for the “Day of Volunteers”, would appreciate anyone interested in volunteering to contact her. There are many opportunities, and all skill levels are needed. Terry can be reached at

Lisa Marie Temple is chairing the Silent Auction and would appreciate anyone wishing to donate items to please contact her at

We have an opportunity to make SWING FORE THE SYMPHONY the most successful fundraiser the HHSO League has produced. The Symphony is an important part of our community and very much needed at this time to lift us all up. With your support and enthusiasm, we can successfully “Swing Fore the Symphony” and Keep the Music Playing on Hilton Head.

 Linda Moloney


We are very excited that the League of the HHSO is hosting a golf tournament at Wexford Golf Club on November 15, 2021. It is not as far off as you think!!

The planning committee is looking for some League members who want to help. We will need about 30 volunteers on the day of the tournament to do everything from unloading golf bags or helping with the auction or witnessing hole-in-ones to staffing the registration table. You do not need experience because our Chair of Volunteers, Terry Hicks, will give you direction and be right there to guide you.

If you would like to participate, please contact Terry at or call her at 843-707-1723.Yes, it is early to think about November, but with summer hiatus, it will be here before we know it. Terry assures us all that it will be GREAT FUN.


Click to Print the Entry Form


Remembering Ellen Taylor

Ellen and her late husband Charles were committed to the orchestra and dedicated both time and treasure to ensure its success. Charles served on the HHSO’s Board of Directors for more than 11 years including as its chairman from 1993-1996 and from 1998-2005. Charles and Ellen were inseparable. She supported him as he spearheaded the orchestra’s growth and he encouraged her in her efforts to promote awareness of the orchestra and raise funds for outreach and programming.

In 1997 Ellen, along with a small group of like-minded women, established The League of the HHSO. The organization’s mission then, as it remains today, was to raise friends and funds to benefit the orchestra. Ellen served as the League’s first president. In the early years, all of the friend raising and fundraising events took place in the Taylor’s home with Ellen happily presiding as hostess. Ellen was blessed with the gift of hospitality. She loved organizing events. She relished the planning, purchasing, cooking, arranging and decorating. But she was happiest when, wearing one of her signature hostess aprons, she opened the door and welcomed her guests into her home.

Ellen was a magnet, attracting new members to the League and substantial funds to the coffers. At the orchestra’s final concert of the 1999 season, the League proudly presented the first annual gift to the HHSO—a check in the amount of $20,000.

Often described as doll-like, Ellen was small, petite, and beautiful. Her outward appearance, however, belied her inward strength and determination. When she had a dream or believed strongly in something, she was undaunted and could move mountains to achieve the results she wanted. She was an inspiration to all who knew her. Her leadership encouraged others to lead. Her generosity motivated others to give. Her ability to move mountains inspired others to think big and fight for their dreams.

Ellen Taylor was a remarkable woman and a treasured friend. She left an indelible mark on her family and friends, her church, the organizations she supported, and the entire Hilton Head Island community she loved and called home. Though she is no longer with us, her many accomplishments will long be remembered and celebrated. And her indomitable spirit will live on in the hearts of all who knew and loved her.

Mary Princing,
HHSO Board Member